Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics of H3+

Collage by C. M. Lindsay; H3+ laboratory spectrum from A. R. W. McKellar; Jupiter H3+ emission image from J. E. P. Connerney.

February 9-11, 2012

Royal Society Discussion Meeting (RSDM, Feb 9-10)

and a Satellite Meeting (SM, Feb 11)

Chemistry, Astronomy, and Physics of H3+

Organized by T. Oka, M. Larsson, S. Miller, and S. Schlemmer

(B. J. McCall, Secretary)

This Discussion Meeting is the third in a series of meetings intended to assemble researchers from different fields in which H3+ plays a major role and to discuss the most fundamental molecular ion from a variety of perspectives. Talks from the 2000 and 2006 meetings have been published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 358, 2359-2559 (2000) and 364, 2845-3151 (2006).

The great development of the sciences of H3+ since 2006 will be discussed in the meetings and the centennial of JJ Thomson's discovery of H3+ will be celebrated. Among the topics included in the program will be:

  • Theoretical developments
  • New experimental spectroscopy of H3+ and deuterated species
  • Chemical kinetics of H3+ and spin modifications
  • Theory and experiments of the H3+ dissociative recombination
  • Generation and decomposition of H3+ by short laser pulses
  • H3+ as a trap for noble gases
  • H3+ in interstellar chemistry
  • Deuterium fractionation in low temperature dense clouds
  • H3+ as a probe for low energy cosmic ray flux
  • H3+ in the Galactic centre
  • Impact of H3+ on astrophysics
  • H3+ in planetary ionospheres
  • Related hydrogenic species: H5+, H3, H3-, etc.
  • The talks and discussions will be published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

    Program (**now with presentation files**)

    Royal Society Meeting Webpage

    For additional information, contact
    H3+ Resource Page
    Royal Society Meetings Page
    The Royal Society