Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry of H3+

Collage by C. M. Lindsay; H3+ laboratory spectrum from A. R. W. McKellar; Jupiter H3+ emission image from J. E. P. Connerney.

February 9-10, 2000

Royal Society Discussion Meeting

Astronomy, Physics And Chemistry Of H3+

Organized by E. Herbst, S. Miller, T. Oka and J.K.G. Watson

This Discussion Meeting was a new attempt to assemble researchers from different fields in which H3+ plays a major role and to discuss the most fundamental molecular ion from a variety of perspectives. Recent discoveries of H3+ both in molecular clouds and in the diffuse interstellar medium made this discussion meeting particularly timely.

Scientific Program

The Meeting included 14 invited talks with plenty of discussion time, as well as a poster session. The talks and discussions will be published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.

Poster Exhibition

This meeting was accompanied by a one-day meeting entitled "Molecules and Dust in Regions of High Excitation" on February 8th at University College London organized by D.A. Williams, D. Clary, and J. Tennyson, as well as a one-day meeting entitled "H3+ Further Developments and Future Directions" on the 11th, also at University College London, organized by us. All interested attendees of the Royal Society Meeting were welcome at both of these meetings.

For additional information, contact
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The Royal Society