Last Update:
June 2, 2012

Main Page

Brief Introduction to H3+

Royal Society Discussion Meeting

Spectroscopic Databases

Online Intensity Calculator

Links to H3+ Related Sites

Contact Information:
McCall Group
Department of Chemistry & Department of Astronomy
600 S. Mathews Ave.
Urbana, IL 61801
Phone: (217) 244-3993
FAX: (217) 244-3186
www: bjm.scs.uiuc.edu

Oka Group
Department of Chemistry
5735 S. Ellis Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773) 702-7262
FAX: (773) 702-0805
www: fermi.uchicago.edu
Links to H3+ Related Websites

Conferences and Proceedings

  • Physics, Chemistry, and Astronomy of H3+
    Royal Society Discussion Meeting on H3+ to be held January 16-18, 2006 in London, UK.
  • Astronomy, Physics, and Chemistry of H3+
    The Royal Society Discussion Meeting on H3+ held February 9-10, 2000 in London, UK.
  • International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy
    Annual symposium of Molecular spectroscopy where most of the laboratory and astronomical research on H3+ has been presented. Symposium is held annually in June at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio (USA).
  • Laboratory Spectroscopy Groups

  • Oka Ion Factory - High-resolution Infrared and Visible Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions
    Oka group's website at the University of Chicago's Departments of Chemistry, Astronomy & Astrophysics, and the Enrico Fermi Institute. (Chicago, USA)
  • McCall Group - High-resolution Molecular Spectroscopy and Interstellar Chemistry
    Ben McCall's group website at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Departments of Chemistry and Astronomy. (Urbana, IL, USA)
  • Steacie Institute - High-resolution Spectroscopy
    NRC's Steacie Institute for Molecular Science, formerly the Herzberg Institute. (Ottawa, Canada)
  • Amano Group - High-resolution Infrared and Sub-Millimeter Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions and Radicals
    Takayoshi Amano's research group in the Institute for Astrophysics and Planetary Science at Ibaraki University (Mito, Japan)
  • McNab Group - Dissociation Spectroscopy of Molecular Ions
    Iain McNab's research group in the Department of Physics at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (Newcastle, UK)
  • Theoretical/Computational Groups

  • Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Physics and Astrophysics Group
    Jonathan Tennyson's research group at the University College of London (London, UK)
  • Steacie Institute
    NRC's Steacie Institute for Molecular Science, formerly the Herzberg Institute. (Ottawa, Canada)
  • Theoretische Chemie
    Theoretical chemistry group in the department of chemistry at Universität Bielefeld (Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Astronomy Groups

  • Oka Ion Factory - Observations of Molecules in Dense and Diffuse Interstellar Clouds
    Oka group's website at the University of Chicago's Departments of Chemistry, Astronomy & Astrophysics, and the Enrico Fermi Institute.(Chicago, USA)
  • McCall Group - Observations of H3+ in Dense and Diffuse Interstellar Clouds, and the Diffuse Interstellar Bands
    Ben McCall's group website at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Departments of Chemistry and Astronomy. (Urbana, IL, USA)
  • Chemistry and Dynamics of H3+

  • Mats Larsson - Dynamics of Molecular Ions Using Storage Rings
    Mats Larsson's web page at the Stockholm University's, Departments of Physics. (Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Gerlich Group - Molecular and Ion physics
    Dieter Gerlich's group web page at the Chemnitz University of Technology, Institut für Physik. (Chemnitz, Germany)

  • If you have any comments, or material that you would like to post on this site, contact the webmaster at webmaster@h3plus.uiuc.edu